
about STDs

Our Doctors

Laboratory Testing



"STDs have been around for thousands of years but are now more common than ever. Despite general knowledge about 'safer sex', millions of Americans contract STDs each year. Unfortunately, many people are infected with STDs but have no symptoms and do not know that they are infected. They may unknowingly spread the infection to their partners. This is why it is so important that sexually active people should be screened for STDs even if they 'feel fine'. Any sexually active individuals experiencing even mild symptoms should be evaluated immediately.  

Fortunately, effective treatment for STDs are widely available, and many STDs are totally curable. Proper diagnosis and treatment are critical to preventing the spread of STDs."

A. Pathak, M.D.


Our Medical Center is staffed by experienced professionals with over 30 years combined experience in the practice of clinical medicine in Northern Virginia, and they have treated thousands of patients over the years. They share the same medical philosophies and approaches to medical care.

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